Tony's Cottage

Record Interesting Things in My Life

MSRA “明日之星”项目实习中期总结


前言 在写这篇博客之前,我删掉了之前一些凑数的文章(有些学术垃圾太羞耻了,手动狗头),希望我以后能坚持写一些有意义,或者能留作回忆的东西。由于刚过了五一(和爸妈度过了难忘的三天,好久没那么开心了),事情不算很多,这两天推公式又推得有些头晕脑胀,我想写作会是一个不错的精神放松。总体而言,我目前为止在微软亚洲研究院的体验实在是有些奇妙,无论是我的 mentor 陈卫老师,还是微软的工作环境...

Debiasing Irrelevant Words in Natural Language Processing

More Information about Our Work

Introduction There are two ways to implement AI, one is to translate the knowledge we have directly into an algorithm, and the other is to use a model with learning capabilities using a selected d...

A Method to Find Real Effects in Econometrics

An Essay Writing Exercise

Abstract Causality has gained substantial attention from both academics and the industry. However, it is not easy to reveal the real effect of an explanatory variable. The estimated effect is usual...



前言 其实这篇blog只是用来测试图床和Latex在我的博客上的显示效果,题目本身不难,个人认为大约是联赛第二题难度。 题目 已知锐角三角形$\triangle$ABC的三条高AD,BE,CF交于点H,$\odot$O过点A,H,且分别与边AB,AC交于异于点A的点Q,P。若$\triangle$OPR的外接圆与边BC切于点R,求证:$\frac{CR}{BR}=\frac{D...

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